Friday, November 9, 2012

I Found Jack Sparrow!

Jack Sparrow spotted in Paraguay!

Turns out when Jacks not fighting the British government, his fellow pirates or seeking treasure, he hangs out in a hostal in Paraguay.

How does he survive? He performs of course ... as Jack Sparrow.... on stilts... in front of traffic at red lights.....

About the time I was taking my GRE I had the opportunity to meet a wonderfully lighthearted traveler who has made an Asuncion hostal his home for a while. Every night he goes out and performs for a bit of money. For the couple days I was there we talked a bit and he enlightened me to lime and hot sauce popcorn which will remain with me forever.

Hot and sour goodness...
Thank you Jack. May you find your treasure. 
Good day sir.

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