Sunday, August 19, 2012

Power and Running Water

Living in rural Paraguay gives you some experience with living without power and or running water. I wanted to do some brief analysis on how this affects basic life...

Without Power:
Cant see at night (duh but far more troublesome then you might think)
Must use Kerosene lamp or flashlight to do everything.. (Very annoying, gives food prepared by Kerosene light a slight kerosene flavor)
No computer
No music
Hey I use one of those too!

Despite the fact that being powerless would pretty much cut you off from the world in many ways in the US, losing power here is just really annoying at night.

Without Running Water:
Cant shower
Cant clean dishes
Cant cook if water is required

Being waterless is not fun. Think about how much we use running water in the United States. To wash: food, clothing, plates, hands, bodies, everything. Water is needed for most cooking and most importantly to drink. Today I didn't have water for most of the day and despite being annoyed that I could not shower, make coffee or clean my dishes and pans, I was most bothered by my thirst. Who would have thought right?

Best of luck.
I can bless my lucky starts that I have running water. Props to all the volunteers out there without it..

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