Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday.... in Paraguay?

What a disappointing night for Tom Brady.... Que Lastima!! A second loss to the under dog a team that went 9 and 7 in the regular season.... Que lastima. You might be wondering how I watched possibly the most popular American sporting event  in a country where most people do not even know what an American football looks like. Thats where TGIF comes in. Yes there is a TGIF in the capital a a particularly fancy part of town and that was where more than 30 PC volunteers met today to watch the epic sporting event. It made for a great environment and a great time. As those of you who know me would know, I dont really follow football but that didn't stop me from asking my two really good friends to give me the pregame. The TGIF was packed and filled with a lot of English speakers as you might imagine. Unfortunately nothing was really open after the game because it was Sunday, and the Super Bowl, and Paraguay. And that was the Superbowl in Paraguay.

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