Sunday, February 5, 2012

Paraguayan Birthday

Its my first birthday party of someone older than 18 and its rockin. There is a live band that drove out here in the middle of no where and they are just rocking out at 1045 out side of the house with 2 trombones and 2 different drums and Paraguayans dancing. Its awesome. The birthday is for a friend of mine, this girl who also happens to be pretty cute but thats not important, the band I think is a favor of her boss in the local city. We are all drinking beer and jungle juice, well mostly im drinking jungle juice lol. But its probably the most fun I've had at a local thing. I cant wait to dig into the asado and celebrate more. ...An hour passes, and the asado is very very difficult to eat. Paraguayans like to cook their meat on the grill for about an hour, no exaggeration. This makes chewing meat, even chicken, frustratingly problematic. Im pretty sure I was swallowing large chucks of whole meat. But asi es la vida. The night was still fun and I rode my bike the 5 minutes home at about 3.   Thus ends another night.

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