Saturday, March 5, 2011


its finally another saturday which means like to chill and hang out with the other students. with class for like 7 hours every day it is a huge relief to not think about having class tomorrow. These days i go to class play soccer play volebol and do nothing. although a new development is watching batman, the cartoon on my tv with my younger brother at lunch time. its of course in spanish but good for my learning lol. Hmmm. its funny because i could tell you all about a tone of random stuff that occurs but none of it seems that important. I guess i will tell you how the schedule goes. Our first language evaluation will occur Tuesday in the form on an interview. I am not worried. We had our first interview with our health bosses to talk about what we want in our site. that was yesterday. I said i would be fine with anything and when asked about my preparedness for site "game on" was my response. It was well received. There will be approximately 1 month more of training before swearing in and deployment to site. Thats it for formal schedules. In other new ive been watching %$%& go down in the rest of the world via aljizira which i can watch in my family´s new satelite tv. we have one becuase one of the sons in the family is part of a band that is really famous in south america right now. Hes actually playing in Spain right now. As health students we have begun to learn how to do some manual tasks such as making cement latrine tops, planting gardens and trees, and digging trash pits. I look forward to these sessions. It looks like my first project will be helping someone in my community build a fagone which is like an outdoor brick stove that runs on firewood.

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