Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1 month in paraguay !!!!! YEAH!

1 month in, resigned to the bug bites and going strong. i still miss common conveniences at home but im good here as starting to speak to everyone who happens to walk or be in front of me and i love it. im sure they are thinking what the hell is this asian guy doing randomly talking to me and in decent spanish. I think my spanish is getting quite good and i cant wait to test it agaisnt george and phillip´s. For those of yuo who asked questions it will be unlikely that i will have to build my own house but may have to help repare or improve a home. i hope to build a composting latrine bec they are awesome. i will also stay with a 2nd host family for another 3 months at least once in site.uh lets see oh the parguayan who works at this internet place was just playing counter strike lol. he says he loves the game. oh george, i cant figure out how to run the other movies on the external other than kung fu hustel which plays when i plug the external in and say play with windows media. if anyone can help me out thats great. i think i need a program like vlc which i dont have. uh lets see what else um, not much partying but we get to hang out at night on saturday nights which is fun and im getting to know the community more and more. ill try to write some stuff in my notebook for a more interesting entry next time. i miss you all especially you tian and bros but also the rest of my homies. PAZ!

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