Kids, there is an old cliché saying that you cant go looking for love, it finds you. And although it wasn't love at that point, by the March of 2012 I was counting the days till my vacation back home so I could finally be with Christina, a girl who, by all measurable means, seemed to match me perfectly. But first lets back up a few months.
You see in the Spring of 2012 I was in the midst of the well known 1 yr lull in Peace Corps. The time you realize your attempt at saving the world has culminated in a trash pit at some random house and an overgrown, dilapidated school garden. When you realize you left all the comforts of home for a noble cause and achieved.. pretty much nothing. To top that all off, I was also realizing the discomforting and depressing fact that girls I had been with seemed to be in picturesque relationships with the guys they dated right after me. Jennifer, Rebecca, Grace and Tian. I was like some unfortunate love curse, tolerate me and the next guy will be your soul mate. Plus it had been hard to hear that my last ex, my most serious and promising relationship, was very happy with her new boyfriend. Then when it seemed like the universe was giving me the giant celestial finger, I got a message from an acquaintance of mine, Christina Pham.
Now to be clear I had never dated Christina. She actually hadn't even been a close friend of mine. I knew her from some of the community work I was doing pre Peace Corps and that was it. Well, except for that one time at Dave and Busters, but that's another story. Anyway we were both dating other people at the time so nothing happened. She was just that sorta cute girl, who I kinda knew from those couple of times over those couple of weeks. By the time I got her message it had been over a year since I had seen Christina and all she was doing was commenting on the blog I kept during my Peace Corps experience. But after that we started talking...
...and that turned into more talking and a three hour video chat session that used up a months worth of my internet credit. By April 1st we had been talking for at least 3hrs a day everyday and it felt strange to not hear from her. We had gone from acquaintances to virtual boyfriend and girlfriend using babe and hon and sending good morning and sweet dream messages every day. It was disgustingly corny, romantic and storybookish. Yet even with all that aside, the truth was, she was everything I knew I wanted in a girl and I seemed to be everything she wanted in a guy.
So was it love? Did love find me? I don't know and cliches are stupid. But I do remember when I thought losing Tian was the biggest mistake of my life. So maybe there is something to be said about some doors closing to let others open and just in case, I am seeing Christina first thing when I get back because cliches exist for a reason and as far as we can tell, us together will be awesome.
good story bruh