So the other day I was trying to go to sleep and I felt something in my hair. I brushed it away and it dropped into my ear. Have you ever seen the Mummy movie where the scarab things burrow into your skin and kill you in a horrifying and gruesome sort of way? Thats what crossed my mind as I heard the beetle in my ear and felt it crawl deeper into my skull producing what can only be described as shots of terrifying pain as the idea of having a live bug lodged in my ear canal slowly making its way to inevitably gnaw on my brain entered my mind. Fortunately the bug climbed out after about 40 seconds. Gotta love Peace Corps. Anyway, I am spending a little time in a colleague's site helping him with some Peace Corps work and getting a first hand experience at another volunteer's life. It's a good chance to watch him do his work and compare strategies and experiences with his commissions and mine. I will be attending a couple commission meetings as well as essentially shadowing him in his community. His site, like mine, is campo yet in a very hilly and forested area completely different from my flat land filled with ranches and fields. As for work, I still have my 2 commissions going, one for fogons and the other for women doing small projects such as making soap and detergent. We had our first fundraiser for the fogon commission, a bingo mixed with volleyball 2 sundays ago. It was pretty successful with us netting around 260 mil. It takes about 330 mil without labor to build one fogon. so its a good start. There are about 15 people in the commission. In general the idea is to try to raise 20% of the total funds within the community and 80 % from local government help. I also just recently cleared a bit of land for my own garden which im excited to plant. I am hoping to plant vegetables I cannot easy access, broccoli, leafy greens, cucumber as well as spices such as cilantro and basil. My home still needs a lot of work including putting in several doors, a new window, getting a place to put plates and such, fixing some walls with cement and paint if I so choose. All these things will cost money that I do not really have but I will hope to do soon. Even though I am down here relatively in the middle of nowhere its funny, I feel like I dont have that much to say. I dont have internet and it is weird to not be able to google anything I want or need but after a bit you get really used to it. I guess thats it for now. As always feel free to ask any questions.
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