Monday, July 11, 2011

About 3 months in site

Its been a long time since I´ve written and i apologize. I don´t realy have good internet options so that is partially to blame. Lets see i am currently working to finish my house by house census of which i have done 33 of 50. Then i will be able to start my commisions which i am really excited to do. In terms of more interesting things, a 2 yr old i am currently living with walked into my room and pooped and then proceeded to drag some of my things through it. That was unpleasant. I am working on the house i am going to rent and will be shortly helping build a modern bathroom in the house. Its a rather daunting and expensive task but it should be fun. My computer broke which is also a reason i have not updated this blog. I have successfully made soap with community members out of chemicals and cow fat. That was fun. I will be trying detergent and softener next. Right now i need to work on speaking more Guarani which i keep putting off but it really makes talking to people hard. I just wish people spoke more Spanish. Being in paraguay without internet or a lot of conviences really gives you a chance to see how much we have and others do not. People here spend a lot of time really doing nothing, sitting together and talking and not talking. the whole awkward silence thing isnt very awkward here. I was in the capital the other week and ate chinese food for 3 days in a row and you would be suprised at how good the food was despite the lack of roast duck which made me quite pissed. Anyway it is crazy to see full blood asians speaking fluent spanish. I feel like so much time is passed but i really dont have that much to say. There are some young community members who i cant wait to start working with more and teach english. That is one thing. You see a lot of youngsters with so much potential and really realize they wont have the resources to explore that potential. Again if any of you have questions please ask.

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