Monday, December 26, 2011

Just another entry

Being the Peace Corps has proven to be similar to what we were told. Slow and Steady. There are definitely down periods, when nothing seems to be working and frustration builds up. Then the inevitable thought pops up, “Its so hard to work with people. If they dont want to work why am I even here? Why should I be trying?” I tackled this thought pretty recently and I have to tell you sometimes it takes all your strength to wake up and keep getting out there. Fortunately for me and other volunteers, I hope, this period passes and you are reminded by the super guapa<--- hard working ladies in the community who still come to those meetings and are happy to see you every time you come around. In my case, my conditions were at a seemingly permanent standstill and nothing seemed to be changing that. Now my fogon commission has met with the local government and is on track to continue doing fundraisers. My other commission is due to meet and make some awesome soap and shampoo and I have an ambitious idea about loaning money to start a small chicken business with a family. I have also been teaching English which is particularly interesting because you get to see the skill level, strengths and weaknesses of students of different ages. I have this one 9 year old student whose memory is incredible and a 19 year old student who can complete my tasks after showing her only once. Its a fun activity. Anyway ive been trying to think of posts that would be more creative, funny or interesting but I just cant come up with anything good. Its sad really. I used to consider myself a creative person. Sigh. Until next time, or I come up with something interesting. Adios.