Monday, December 17, 2012

My House the Terarium

Last time I talked about farm animals but living in the campo also means that the house I am living in isnt exactly sealed up to building codes. The real landlord of my house is a gigantic colony of black ants. They live everywhere in my house. Along side them include all sorts of spiders, beetles, moths, and all sorts of insects. Here is a little sample.

Pile of dead ants on my table that fell from the roof and various extermination efforts.
Spider webs on one of my lights. This part is really cool. During the day i leave my door open and flies sometimes fly in. They buzz around annoyingly until they lead towards the light where my spidee friends catch them and return my to blissful silence. It also doubles as a nature show because I get to watch the catch and kill in action.

Cool spider that is almost completely flat, allowing it to hide under anything.

My prize possessions in my terrarium is a family of small frogs that live in and around my toilet.

Spider home at the bottom of one of my windows.

Deceased specimen of the beetles that frequently get caught in my house.

Farm Animals

So one of the disadvantages or advantages, if you like it, of living in the farmlands is that you get a plethora of animal life. Apart from your chickens that tend to cluck and call out right outside your window (rooster calls at 3am when its not even %^&ing light outside) there are the cows, dogs, pigs, horses and oxen. To be honest, its kinda cool seeing and touching these animals up close. Most of the eggs and milk in my site are straight from the animal. I see horses and oxen used to carry loads and work the land. Its pretty cool. I also learned that pigs can look awesome like this:
Cant... not.... say... awwww.

Or like like this:

Plz come try and eat me.
Unfortunately, pigs come with one huge disadvantage. Any time they are hungry or bothered they sound like this:

This one is already fairly tame. Sometimes its like a dozen little girls shrieking in agony, fear, horror and desperation all at the same time.

Fortunately, my neighbors are not that close to me and don't own many pigs. 

In order to get the above horrifying thought out of your head here is a picture of a cool ox cart that is like one i see all the time in my site.